All the articles I've posted.
Proxmox - Setup Proxmox VE on Debian
Published: at 06:19 PMProxmox Virtual Environment (Proxmox VE) adalah platform open-source untuk virtualisasi server yang digunakan secara luas dalam solusi private cloud. Proxmox menyediakan berbagai fitur seperti KVM hypervisor, LXC containers, penyimpanan terdistribusi, manajemen jaringan, dan fitur HA (High Availability) untuk menjamin ketersediaan layanan...
Configure Nginx Multisite
Updated: at 06:53 AMInstall nginx. apt install nginx Create dns record for domain and point to same host ip, here i will use hosts file. echo "" >> /etc/hosts Create directory for each website # 1st website mkdir /var/www/html...
Bash Reverse Shell
Updated: at 01:39 PMKemarin saya gabut dan mencoba mengoprek htb, dan berhasil mendapatkan flag salah satu retired machine di HTB yaitu Squashed, tentu saja dengan melihat write up orang. Salah satu teknik menarik yang digunakan adalah Rerverse Shell ini. Apa itu Revers...
QEMU vs KVM vs Libvirt
Updated: at 01:39 PMType 1 & Type 2 Hypervisor Type 1 : Berjalan langsung diatas hardware yang mendasari host tersebut. Disebut juga "bare-meta" hypervisor. Yang berarti ia bisa berjalan langsung diatas hardware tanpa harus meload underlying os terlebih dahulu. Contoh:...
Deploy Multi-Master K8S Cluster with External Etcd using Kubeadm
Updated: at 01:34 PMIn the realm of managing applications, Kubernetes reigns supreme. It's like having a conductor for your software orchestra, making sure everything plays in harmony. This blog will guide you through setting up a Multi-Master Kubernetes cluster with Ex...
Troubleshooting ESXi Installation on QEMU/KVM: Overcoming Network Adapter and Disk Recognition Challenges
Published: at 02:13 PMWhen attempting to install ESXi on QEMU/KVM, I encountered several issues. Firstly, the ESXi installer failed to detect the network adapter/NIC. Secondly, no disks were detected. After researching online, I decided to write this article to help other...
File Transfer over PING (ICMP Messages)
Updated: at 08:46 PMICMP and Ping ICMP, or Internet Control Message Protocol, is one of the core protocols in the internet protocol family. It serves as a crucial tool primarily used by operating systems in networked computers to send error messages. These error message...
12 - Setup Placement API
Published: at 02:05 PMThis post is part of the Manual Deployment Openstack HA and Ceph series. Setup Placement Database (Exec on Controller-01) Create mysql database for placement mysql CREATE DATABASE placement; Grant placement user for any host access GRANT ALL PRI...